Who we are
For those looking to join a scouting troop, you've come to the right place. Troop 14 is a unique Boy Scout troop that provides leadership training combined with fun activities. Unlike other troops, there is less pressure, dedicated parental involvement, and more scout empowerment. Our small size makes us a unique and fun family extension.
This troop was established in 1959, we have always met at Covenant Presbyterian Church for troop meetings, ever since it was established. In 1990 we had about 4 to 5 scouts, which was the Troops lowest point in Scouts. Ever since, we have been able to grow, by telling Cub Scouts about our Troop in advance. We now have about 50-60 scouts, and even have a girls troop.

Unlike most youth organizations, Troop 14 is led almost entirely by youth members, whose work includes planning meetings, training other Scouts, choosing outing programs, organizing food purchases, and cooking among other things. That's not to say that the boys are entirely on their own. There are ,in fact, two different kinds of adult assistance and support available to the Scouts: the Scouters (Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters), and the parents at-large. The primary role of the Scouters is to ensure safety, and to provide guidance and mentorship for the Scouts.